Prior to the Rights for Residents Protest in September, we contacted the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights.
On 15th September, the Committee arranged a meeting to discuss our concerns ahead of our petition delivery and protest the following day. You can read our plea to the Human Rights Committee here:
We had previously given evidence to the Committee in May and they had taken action calling on the Government to enact legislation that would give every care home resident the legal right to an essential visitor – that could visit in any situation.
The evidence given by Jenny Morrison, the Co founder of Rights for Residents to the Human Rights Committee featured heavily in the report that followed. The Committee made a number of urgent recommendations to Ministers and the CQC that included establishing better processes for monitoring the right of care home residents to receive visits. They also urged the regulatory body to work with the Government to implement a new complaints process for residents – that guarantees anonymity – and provides families with confidence that their relatives will not face retaliation for raising concerns.
The evidence session from May 2021 can be viewed here
The Report by the Human Rights Committee can be read here