Meeting with Martin Green – CEO Care England, culminating in a letter to CQC

Aug 27, 2021 | News

As well as organising the protest, Jenny and Diane do lots of other things behind the scenes to make sure that the issues raised by this group get heard. One of those things is that they have been meeting with Martin Green, head of Care England, the representative body for some of the biggest care providers in England. After the last meeting with him, they put together this joint letter to the CQC outlining some of the groups key concerns around visiting. CQC have responded and hopefully their letter will encourage those of you who are not being offered Essential Care Giver (ECG) by your care home, or refused it when you ask for it, to report this to the CQC. This can be done anonymously if you wish, and we are hearing more reports of CQC acting when these types of concerns are raised. You can read the letter to CQC and their response by clicking on the two links below:

Joint letter to CQC, from RFR and Care England

CQC – Care Quality Commission’s response



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